“Crowdsourcing Sexual Objectification”

My latest publication tackles the topic of revenge porn.  It was written as a response to the current debate in Canada over the creation of a new criminal offence: non-consensual distribution of intimate images.  The topic has gained even more prominence given recent events involving hacked photos of Hollywood celebrities.  I argue that non-consensual distribution is a species of sexual objectification that is analytically linked to the wrong that underlies sexual assault.

This paper grew out of work I did in 2012 and 2013, including a session with the Court of Appeal for Ontario.  At that time, I coined the phrase “crowdsourcing sexual terrorism” to describe these activities.  It had a nice ring to it, and a number of people urged me to keep it.   I decided that “terrorism” was a bit too loaded.  I still wonder about that.

Click here to read the paper on the open-access Social Sciences Research Network.