The Jian Ghomeshi verdict – March 24 2016

Canada has been gripped by the trial of former CBC host Jian Ghomeshi.  Ghomeshi was tried on numerous counts of sexual assault, and one count of overcoming resistance by choking, in respect of three female complainants (a charge involving a fourth complainant – originally set for trial in June 2016 – was withdrawn after the parties agreed to a peace bond).

Ontario provincial court judge Willian Horkins acquitted Ghomeshi of all charges.  A media firestorm resulted.

I wrote an op ed that appeared in the Globe and Mail on Friday March 25.  I also appeared on CTV’s Power Play; and gave an interview to NewsTalk 770 (no direct link but topic appears on list of podcasts).

As always, apologies if some of this eventually disappears behind pay walls.